Philip Tagg

Dear IASPM members,

The IASPM Executive is saddened to hear of the passing of IASPM founding member and popular music studies pioneer, Philip Tagg. Philip laid the groundwork for our discipline as we know it today, championing the study of popular music in the academy. Philip’s analytical methodologies brought popular musicology to the fore and showed us the depth and reach of popular musicality. Philip’s many works are widely cited today, and he leaves an extraordinary legacy that will resonate throughout our field now and long into the future. Philip was a generous and witty academic, a huge contributor to IASPM, and a mentor to many. He will be greatly missed.

The IASPM Executive will convene to see how best we can honour Phillip and his work. In the meantime, we extend our sincere condolences to his family, friends, and all who knew him.



On behalf of the IASPM Executive Committee

IASPM Investigation outcome comms

Dear colleagues,

I am writing with regards to the investigation into allegations of sexual assault against members of IASPM. The investigation has concluded.

In line with our new Code of Conduct, members of the IASPM Executive considered the final investigation reports, as well as supporting evidence. As a result of that process, I can confirm the organisation has taken the following action:

  • Two former members of IASPM have been permanently excluded from the organisation.
  • One member of IASPM has been notified of organisational instruments and behaviour expectations. Their ongoing membership of IASPM is contingent on their confirmation that they have reviewed and understand those instruments.
  • Two complainants have been offered ongoing support.

Due to privacy and confidentiality, I am unable to provide further details.

I would like to thank the investigation team and IASPM Executive for their professionalism and due diligence in managing this process. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the membership for their patience during what has been an unprecedented time for the organisation. I am confident that the organisational change work we have undertaken during the last year will serve as strong preventative measures into the future.

We will continue our work to ensure IASPM is a safe and inclusive space for all members.

Finally, I ask that members respect the outcome of this investigation and refrain from naming individuals, either on the mailing list or on social media. Please refer to our attached Social Media Policy for further information.



Cfp: Home, Work and Music: Musical Practices in Domestic Spaces

“Home, Work and Music: Musical Practices in Domestic Spaces”

22 – 23 February 2024
mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Fanny Hensel-Hall

Call for Papers
What does it mean to make and perform music in the home? Home, Work and Music explores issues and debates centred around music in domestic spaces. It will showcase current research on the empirical, methodological and theoretical implications of centring the domestic in music research. 

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Cfp: Progressive Rock: Beyond Time, Genre, Geography…


Progressive Rock: Beyond Time, Genre, Geography…

The 6th Biennial International Conference 

of the Project Network for Studies of Progressive Rock

5-7 SEPTEMBER 2024

The Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow (POLAND)

The central idea for the Conference would be to combine creatively the two temporal dimensions in which Progressive Rock can be interpreted today: the past – from its genesis and original definitions through an analysis of the PROG classics to an attempt to read it anew; and the future – from meta-genre fusions to a critical post-progressive current. Hence, we suggest several subjects to be chosen by the participants and specific scopes to be included.

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IASPM XXII (Minneapolis) Registration

Registration is now open for the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM) biennial global conference, hosted by the US branch (IASPM-US) in Minneapolis at the University of Minnesota (USA). The global conference has not been hosted in North America since 2007 and not in the US since 1993. The conference runs Monday, June 26 through Friday, June 30, 2023. The conference’s theme is “Popular Music in Crisis,” and the program features over 300 distinct presentations, plenaries, and workshops. Registration includes access to the full conference programming (7 or 8 concurrent panels over 5 days) and lunch on each day. A conference banquet and select Wednesday afternoon activities are available to registrants for an additional cost. Discounted registration is available to anyone experiencing financial hardships (including students, adjuncts, contingent, and unwaged scholars).

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Associate Editor for Journal of World Popular Music 

Call for Applications 

Associate Editor for Journal of World Popular Music 

The editorial team of JWPM seeks to appoint an Associate Editor to support the editing and production of articles and special issues covering world popular music in all its forms and from a variety of academic and other perspectives. JWPM publishes articles and special issues which respond to the latest releases in the fields of popular music, ethnomusicology, anthropology, musicology, cultural sociology, communication, media and cultural studies, and/or others. 

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cfp: Exploration of Class, Distinction, and Habitus in Popular Culture of Central and Eastern Europe

6th Conference of the Centre for Study of Popular Culture

Exploration of Class, Distinction, and Habitus in Popular Culture of Central and Eastern Europe

Conference organised by the Centre for the Study of Popular Culture, Charles University and the German Historical Institute in Warsaw

27–29 October 2023, Prague, Czech Republic

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cfp: Punk Symposium in Belin, 22 September 2023

Call for Papers: Punk Symposium in Berlin, 22 September 2023

in cooperation with the international Punk Scholars Network

PANK! – (German) language in zines, punk art and punk rock

„Haste ’ne Macke?!“ (Engl. „you nuts?!“) – That is how Nina Hagen begins her song “Pank”, which she recorded in 1978, self-ironically written the way Germans usually pronounce the English word “Punk”. Youth slang, everyday language, humor, and directness characterize early German punk songs in the late 1970s—a departure from internationalized and slick mainstream pop lines à la ABBA. Political communication was also further radicalized in German punk rock. When the Hamburg band Slime loudly postulated in 1980 that they didn’t want any „Bullenschweine“ (Engl. “bull pigs”) and thus polemically commented on the constant confrontation between law enforcement and punks from their point of view, the 10-year-old slogans of radical left-wing bands like Ton Steine ​​Scherben seemed almost well-behaved. Back to the concrete, back to reality, namely the low, grim, and dreary reality—but this reality is then, in turn, violently and solemnly torn apart. A graphic equivalent of this frenzy of expression can be found in the fanzines of the time—Do It Yourself (DIY) magazines in self-publication, made possible by the spread of the photocopier—which also turn the tables with ironic wit, chaotic layout, and humorous appropriation of the narrow-mindedness in contemporary German advertising.

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cfp: The International Music Business Research Conference 2023

The 14th International Music Business Research Days 2023 

Towards Sustainability in Music Business?  

Balancing new business models, changing labor conditions and new competences. 

November 1-3, University of Agder, Department of Popular Music, Kristiansand, Norway 

Call For Papers 

Music business, and the frameworks and dynamics of the music industries, continue to develop and change, with new digital innovations, new formats, new business models and new content being created. It is nothing new that music business operates within changing economic- and technological framework conditions – these are perhaps more to be considered inherent features rather than substantial shifts. Nonetheless, these changes need to be continually addressed and critically discussed.  

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cfp: 25th International CHIME Conference: Barbarian Pipes and Strings Reconsidered— Negotiating Authenticity in the Musics of China: Transcultural Perspectives

Barbarian Pipes and Strings Reconsidered — Negotiating Authenticity in the Musics of China: Transcultural Perspectives

25th International CHIME Conference, Heidelberg CATS, October 1-4, 2023

Exactly 25 years after the last International Chime Conference in Heidelberg that focused on “Barbarian Pipes and Strings,” we return to the city by the Neckar and the Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS) that now houses the CHIME Collection to reconsider musical practices in China from a transcultural perspective.

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