Global Hip Hop Reading Room (GHHRR)

Global Hip Hop Reading Room (GHHRR) is an all-online and informal reading group for hip hop lovers, academics, and practitioners to discuss texts on all facets of hip hop culture. Having previously been a one time zone group, we are now a two time zone group to cater towards more of the academic community outside the Anglophone world. The upcoming reading group will be held on May 3 at 11:30 am EST and May 24 at 3 pm Sydney time. 
For more information, see our website at
We also have a special event on May 15th at 1 pm BST where Dr. J. Griffith Rollefson of the CIPHER project will be presenting the organization to us. 
We will also have a relaxed session on June 7th at 12 pm EST, where we will listen to music. This is, however, subject to change in terms of timing and date for the month. 

RILM Advisory Board

Dear IASPMites,

RILM (Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale) invited IASPM to be part of its Advisory Board; accordingly, the Executive Committee is searching for three IASPM members to sit on the Board. As you may know, RILM documents and disseminates music research worldwide through its music literature databases. RILM has been increasingly committed to including more literature on popular music globally and in multiple languages in the last few years. Hence, the participation of IASPM members in the Advisory Board is a great way to ensure that the popular music literature we write, read, and teach is adequately included in the RILM academic databases. Given IASPM’s multiple Local Branches, academic traditions, and scholarly interests, our organization can positively contribute to a more robust representation of popular music studies in academic databases.

RILM’s advisory Board, called The Commission Mixte, is an advisory committee currently comprised of members from the International Musicological Society (IMS), the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Center (IAML), and the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM). Each organization has three representatives who participate for four years in an annual meeting with RILM, who advise on what materials and perspectives to include and provide other recommendations so that RILM can better fulfill its mission of representing the academic production of music in the world. You can find the current members of RILM’s Commission Mixte here. The Commission Mixte meets online once a year, so this commitment does not require much work.

If you are interested in being one of the three IASPM members of the Advisory Board, please write to IASPM General Secretary Beatriz Goubert ([email protected]). 


Beatriz Goubert

General Secretary, IASPM

IASPM Benelux Pop Talks meets Amsterdance: Mark J. Butler

Dear colleagues

It’s our pleasure to announce the 10th installment of the IASPM Benelux Pop Talks series. Once again, we have teamed up with Amsterdance, the Amsterdam Electronic Dance Music Research Group, to present to you…

Mark J. Butler (Humboldt University Berlin) who on February 9th, 2023, 15:30-17:00 CET will give a lecture entitled

Reimagining the Past, Envisioning the Future, from a New Center in Amsterdam that will also be streamed online.

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Andrew Goodwin Memorial Prize – call for submissions

Dear Colleagues,
This will hopefully be of interest to those of you who are postgraduate students, or to postgraduate students that you teach.

The 2022-23 round of the Andrew Goodwin Memorial Prize is open for submissions. All postgraduates who are currently registered at universities and colleges in the U.K. and Ireland and who are members of IASPM are eligible.

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IASPM Journal_reviewers and Reviews Editor


IASPM Journal is looking for a new Reviews Editor. The role is open to all qualified members and ideal for an early-career researcher to learn about journal editing and publication. Each year, the journal publishes two issues, and the Reviews Editor oversees the entire process from submission to publication. We work as a collaborative team and the Reviews Editor will be supported by the core editorial team, who meet regularly. Please send all enquiries to Abigail Gardner at [email protected]


We are looking for reviewers! IASPM Journal seeks new reviewers to help with the review process. We are especially interested in hearing from a linguistically diverse group of scholars. Email [email protected] for details.

We look forward to hearing from you,


Popular Music Books in Process series

Call for Presentations, Popular Music Books in Process Series, October 2022

Dear friends,

Since spring of 2020, Popular Music Books in Process has curated online events for music writers, journalists, and scholars to showcase new books or works in progress for an engaged, interactive audience. The series (now running every second week, in season) is a collaboration between the Journal of Popular Music Studies, the Pop Conference, and IASPM-US. There have been 75 events so far, all preserved on YouTube.

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2023 IASPM BOOK PRIZE – Call for Nominations

2023 IASPM BOOK PRIZE – Call for Nominations

Dear IASPM members,

A public award will be given by IASPM for outstanding first books by a single author on popular music, in the categories English and any other language, at the2023 Minneapolis IASPM conference.

Nominations are invited from IASPM members of books they consider to be possible contenders for such an award. Authors nominated should preferably already be members of IASPM, or need to become members of IASPM after being nominated, in order to be eligible. Send your nominations to both of the Chairs of the Book Prize Jury, Andrea Dankić ([email protected]) and Ali C. Gedik ([email protected])by November 7, 2022 at the latest. 

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